Theatre Royal Brighton Young Playwrights is an annual course for 16 – 25 year old aspiring playwrights.

This is an opportunity to work with a local playwright to develop a one-act play which will be performed in a rehearsed reading with professional actors and director in this historic theatre.

Explore the possibilities of writing for performance in this 8 week course facilitated by a professional playwright and run by Theatre Royal Brighton in association with New Writing South.

At the end of the course participants will have their short play read by professional actors in a promenade performance around the historic Theatre Royal Brighton. All writers aged 16 – 25 are welcome to participate in this programme. You don’t need previous experience, just an interest in writing and ambition to write a short play.

Due to the ongoing pandemic we are not running Theatre Royal Young Playwrights in 2021. If you would like to get in touch to register your interest in future courses, please email

“Theatre Royal Brighton is a playhouse and in its 200 year history it has presented plays by famous writers, established writers, and new writers. It is the natural home for people who have a passion for writing about and for theatre and offers the Theatre Royal Brighton Young Playwrights the inspiration, ambition and experience to turn their dreams into reality and their words into performance.”

Jackie Alexander – Creative Learning and Community Partnerships Manager, Theatre Royal Brighton

“It was so so awesome to see my work being performed in the theatre by professional actors. Thank you for this wonderful experience, I have loved it.”

TRBYP Participant – April 2019