Join the Little Green Pig Youth Board!

Deadline: Ongoing opportunity

Find Out More: https://www.littlegreenpig.org.uk/youth-board

Opportunity from: LGP

Join the Little Green Pig Youth Board!
Our Youth Board is a group of creative young people who meet once every 3 months to share their ideas with each other and with us, helping steer Little Green Pig in the right direction.

We are looking for young people approximately between the ages of 14 to 18 who are excited to learn new skills, are interested in improving opportunities for their community, and willing to share their ideas and voices with us! We’re really open to applications from lots of different young people.

Benefits of joining include:

– Building your team working and creative skills
– Making connections with other writers and creatives of all ages
– Learning about how charities and arts organisations are run
– Adding some valuable experience to your CV and UCAS form or any job application.
– Having a real impact on young people in Sussex
– Helping improve the projects that LGP runs for young writers
– Starting a pathway towards becoming a member of the Board of Trustees at Little Green Pig

Find out more and apply: https://www.littlegreenpig.org.uk/youth-board